Presently the society is in a state of ideological confusion and flux.
Materialism, terrorism, ignorance and intolerance have threatened the peace, tarnishing
the image of religion. These circumstances demand special response from the people
who are deeply concerned about wellbeing of society. Objective of this wakeup call
is to draw the attention towards pressing issues which need urgent resolution.
With some interest and effort an endeavor can be made to point out the means to
help taking the society out of this quagmire.
Generally the Ulema (Islamic Scholars) are blamed for inciting
hatred and religious intolerance, which is difficult to disagree. However it
will be unfair to undermine and ignore the services rendered by the Ulema
during last 1400 years. Presently there are over
1.6 Billion Muslims, which
besides natural process of population growth is also due to persistent efforts
of Ulema in preaching Islam. Allah has given the responsibility of
religious education to the Ulema and made the Muslims as inheritors of
Quran collectively. (
٢٢ التوبة، آل عمران
3:104، (32:35 فاطر)
وَمَا كَانَ
الْمُؤْمِنُونَ لِيَنفِرُوا كَافَّةً ۚ فَلَوْلَا نَفَرَ مِن كُلِّ فِرْقَةٍ
مِّنْهُمْ طَائِفَةٌ لِّيَتَفَقَّهُوا فِي الدِّينِ وَلِيُنذِرُوا قَوْمَهُمْ
إِذَا رَجَعُوا إِلَيْهِمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَحْذَرُونَ (9:122)
"And it is not possible for all the Muslims to set out
(together). So, why should a party from within every group (or tribe) not go
forth in order that they may acquire deeper knowledge (i.e., thorough
understanding and insight) of the Din (Religion), and warn their people when
they return to them so that they may guard themselves (against a life of sins
and disobedience)?"(Quran;9:122)
"Call to the
way of your Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation and reason with them in a way
that is best. Your Lord knows best those who have strayed away from His path,
and He knows best those who are rightly guided." (Quran;16:125).
The Islamic religious scholars (Ulema) has been
protecting the religion like the anchor of a ship. They did not allow the ship
of Islam to deviate during last 1400 years, but they also did not allow it
to move ahead at the same says Dr.Isral Ahmed. Due to stagnation in the
religious thought, the Muslims are lagging behind in the race of development
and progress, though Islam is the source of guidance for the humanity for all
times. Problem is not with Islam but with its followers. The main cause of
Muslim quagmire is lack in practice of tenants of Islam, though we confess with
لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ
There is no one worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad
is His Messenger of Allah
We claim to be followers of Deen Islam, but lack
in practice. Gradually the Muslims have fallen in to the deep trench of ignorance,
though Islam emphasizes learning. They is dire need to educate the Muslims
about Islam, which is primarily the responsibility of Ulema (the Islamic
scholars, theologians and doctors of law, Shariah) as entrusted by Quran
(9:122). Many Ulema are quietly busy in their job, while some are embroiled in
side issues and wasting their energies. Under these circumstances it is
important that one should:
- Take stock of the
situation, deeply review and identify the errors.
- Point out the areas
where we need to change the strategy.
- Start the journey
towards progress.
The bitter facts are unpleasant to confront but
the aim here is not criticism for sake of criticism or to create heartburns,
but to just draw attention towards common issues which need urgent resolution.
With your attention and guidance we can make an effort to move out of this state
of predicament.
Historic Perspective:
During last six centuries Muslim world got subjected to political
turmoil, intellectual decline and colonialism. The decline of Muslims
started with the fall of
Muslim Spain & destruction of Baghdad after Mongol
invasion. The Renaissance started in West was instrumented through treasures of
knowledge from Muslim Spain and Middle East. The Europeans picked up the
concepts of system of learning, universities and libraries form Muslim Spain,
Cairo and Baghdad. The word ‘alumni’ [graduates, old pupils, former students-
derivates form Arabic ‘Alim’ (scholar)] and the robes still worn by Alims, the
formal dress of graduates at graduation ceremonies of Western institutions are
reminder of same legacy.
The scientific developments and the resulting Industrial revolution
in the West started its golden age and colonization world wide. Most of Muslim
world became victim. Thus Western civilization affected their, culture, society
and other fields. The Muslim Ulema (religious scholars) jealously guarded the
fundamentals of their faith and basic values. They kept alight the candle of
faith in the hearts of Muslims. The Ulema fulfilled the sacred
responsibility entrusted to them by God (Quran;
9:122 ا3:104)
Role of Indian Ulema in the struggle for
Most of Ulema from
Deobandi school supported
National Congress, a predominantly Hindu political party (Except Molana Ashraf
Thanvi, Shibbir Usmani and few more) opposed creation of Pakistan Majlis Ahrar
ul Islam was on the lead. The time proved that it was their biggest political
mistake, reflecting their lack of political insight. However despite this
political error of judgement, the great services of Deoband School rendered to
Islam cannot be ignored. The negative fallout of blunders adversely the
credibility of Ulema, so vital for their real job of preaching & teaching
Islamic faith and values.
During colonial period the
rendered great sacrifices for the cause of freedom which must be appreciated. Coincidently
the terrorist groups operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan (Taliban) belong to
Deoband school of thought. Darul Aloom Deoband issued a
edict (Fatwa) against terrorism in 2008. There is need to ponder as to why
people from this particular thought are involved in terrorism?
The Muslim leaders seeking separate home land for the Muslims of
India, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Dr.Muhammad
Iqbal were
declared Kaffir by opponent Ulema but they declined to budge and vigorously
struggled for Pakistan on the basis of Two Nation Theory. Pakistan was
founded because the Muslims of this sub-continent wanted to build up their
lives in accordance with the teachings and traditions of Islam, because they
wanted to demonstrate to the world that Islam provides a panacea to the many
diseases which have crept into the life of humanity today. Islam does not
recognize either priesthood or any sacerdotal authority; and, therefore, the
question of a theocracy simply does not arise in Islam.
Muslims from all sects and groups supported cause of Pakistan, especially Sunni
Barelvi, Sufi Ulema. After
independence they formed Pakistan Jameyat Ulema which was split in to many
factions. [JUI of Molana Fazal ur Rehman is different].
Majority Muslims of India trusted the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinah (Qaude
Azim). He was not a religious man, clean shaved, dressed in Western suit, spoke
difficulty in Urdu. (Ismaili Shia, later Twelver). An honest and sincerer
person who did not fit in to the strict standards of orthodox Ulema. Even 90%
common Muslims do not fit in to their harsh standards of Muslimhood. 80% do not
offer five times prayers, few sport beard, join in only Friday congregations,
some once a year on Eid. Women, the 50% of population are not very religious,
some wear veil more due to cultural reasons than religious. In markets, on call
for prayer (Azaan) women continue shopping as if they are exempted, more over
there hardly any arrangement for them in mosques to offer prayers. The Ulema
need to ponder.
Muslims are categorized in to 3 groups according to Quran:
ثُمَّ أَوْرَثْنَا الْكِتَابَ الَّذِينَ اصْطَفَيْنَا مِنْ عِبَادِنَا
ۖ فَمِنْهُمْ ظَالِمٌ لِّنَفْسِهِ وَمِنْهُم مُّقْتَصِدٌ وَمِنْهُمْ سَابِقٌ
بِالْخَيْرَاتِ بِإِذْنِ اللَّـهِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ هُوَ الْفَضْلُ الْكَبِيرُ(32:35 ;Quran)
Then we caused to
inherit the Book those We have chosen of Our servants; and among them is he who
wrongs himself, and among them is he who is moderate, and among them is he who
is foremost in good deeds by permission of Allah. That [inheritance] is what is
the great bounty. (Quran;35:32)
Believe in the Qur’an.
Read it.
Understand it.
Act upon its teachings.
Convey its message and teachings to others.
Let's us ask ourselves; Are we fulfilling these
obligations? Sadly, majority answer is in negative. We Muslims must endeavor to
fulfill our obligations, we cannot absolve ourselves
of responsibility by totally blaming the Ulema. Learning, practicing
and spreading the message is obligation of every Muslim.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah and his supporters created Pakistan, an
independent country for the Muslims, where all Muslims without
any discrimination to sect could live peacefully according to
the principles laid down by Quran and Sunnah. The minorities are to
be given complete religious freedom. The Quaid had "
of Madina"in mind, there was no theocracy model (mullayet) because Islam does
not have concept of pope or alike. They never used the terminologies like
Liberalism or
Secularism, since they
were well aware that Islam embodies all good tenants of any other political
It was adopted in 1949 by the Constituent Assembly of
Pakistan. It combines features of both Western and Islamic democracy, is
one of the most important documents in the constitutional history of
Pakistan. It is a framework that provides mechanism to achieve goals for a
better life of the people of Pakistan.
Objectives Resolution proclaimed the following principles:
Sovereignty belongs to Allah alone but He has delegated it to the
State of Pakistan through its people for being exercised within the limits
prescribed by Him as a sacred trust.
The State shall exercise its powers and authority through the
chosen representatives of the people.
3. The
principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as
enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed.
4. Muslims
shall be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres
in accordance with the teachings of Islam as set out in the Qur'an and Sunnah.
5. Adequate
provision shall be made for the minorities to freely profess and practice their
religions and develop their cultures.
6. Pakistan
shall be a federation.
7. Fundamental
rights shall be guaranteed.
8. The
judiciary shall be independent.
The real problem is
the implementation of Objective Resolution in later and spirit.
In moral and political philosophy, the
Contract or
political contract is a theory or model, originating during the Age of
Enlightenment, that typically addresses the questions of the origin of society
and the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual. Social
contract arguments typically posit that individuals have consented, either
explicitly or tacitly, to surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the
authority of the ruler or magistrate (or to the decision of a majority), in
exchange for protection of their remaining rights. The question of the relation
between natural and legal rights, therefore, is often an aspect of social
contract theory.
The Covenant:
In early period of Islam, among the tribal society of Arabs there
existed the tradition of taking oath of allegiance with the ruler by tribal
heads and notable, known as Bayet, which still exists. The Prophet ﷺ and four
rightly guided caliphs were given Bayet. In democracy ruler is elected by
people. This Bayet or election is a form of collective legal covenant by the
majority on behalf of all the citizens.
When Pakistan came in to existence, the first constituent assembly
was to work under existing law. Different rulers came in to power through
election or dictatorship, legal cover was provided by Supreme Court. The
constitutions were made in 1956, 1962 and 1973. The constitution is the social
contract, no individual or group has right to abrogate it but through
democratic process.
Unite Nations is an other international body, all the countries
including Pakistan are signatory to its charter. All nations adhere to the covenant;
the violators are subjected to international condemnations, economic sanctions
or even military action.
After the peace treaty of Hudabia, a Muslim
convert Abu Jandal escaped from the captivity of polytheists of Makkah, but the
Prophet ﷺ
returned him according to the terms of treaty, verbally agreed but not signed.
Thus the Prophet ﷺ set the example of honoring covenants.
بِالْعَهْدِ إِنَّ الْعَهْدَ كَانَ مَسْئُولً
And fulfill
the covenant; surely the covenant shall be questioned of. (Quran;17:34, 7:32, 23:28)
The Social Contract is the covenant by the citizens to the ruler
for the allegiance. Islam commands obedience to God, Messenger
ﷺ ruler.
(Quran;4:59). Ruler is to be
obeyed till he offers prayer, however any command for disobedience to God, or
open denial of God is not to be obeyed. in Pakistan and all Muslim majority
countries such a situation is not likely to exist. Pakistan has Islamic
constitution, no law can be made repugnant to Quran and Sunnah, hence any
rebellion on pretext of enforcement of Islamic law (Shariah) is mutiny, un
Islamic to create turmoil (Fisad) which has capital punishment
The real issue is not the law but enforcement in a society which is
not yet ready for it. As mentioned earlier, the majority is non practicing
Muslims. What the Ulema has done so far to make them practicing Muslims?
Ridiculing them being sinners is not the solution, all out efforts should be
made to become practicing Muslims through Dawah. Sincere effort can be made,
leaving the results to Allah, as the guidance is by Him alone (14:4). If people
do not mend their ways, should they be killed or terrorised? This is the
reason the early
were called dogs of hell. Insisting on appearance like keeping beard or on
particular dress is not Islam, it is part of Sunnah and Muslims culture but
there are other practical aspects like good works, good noble deeds
(أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا" "
عمل صالح,
عَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ) which make one a good real Muslim. The correct priorities need
to be identified to work tin right direction to bring effective change.
The Muslim who confess and believe in
articles of faith
(Eyman) and
pillars of Islam
but fail in practice due to slackness is to be kept in the folds of Islam for
ultimately making him practical Muslim through preaching rather than expulsion
(Takfeer), declaring apostate
and be killed?
The harsh attitude of Ulema towards common Muslim isn't against the
spirit of Quran
فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِّنَ اللَّـهِ لِنتَ لَهُمْ ۖ وَلَوْ كُنتَ فَظًّا
غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لَانفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ ۖ فَاعْفُ عَنْهُمْ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ
لَهُمْ وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِي الْأَمْرِ ۖ فَإِذَا عَزَمْتَ فَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى
اللَّـهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُتَوَكِّلِينَ (٣:١٥٩ ،آل عمران)
It is by God's grace that you were gentle with them -- for if you
had been harsh and hard-hearted, they would surely have deserted you -- so bear
with them and pray for forgiveness for them. Take counsel with them in the
conduct of affairs; then, when you have decided upon a course of action, place
your trust in God: for God loves those who place their trust in Him. (3:159)
While considering
implementation of Islamic code in Pakistan or elsewhere, these aspects must be
kept in view.
Despite opposition of many Ulema, Pakistan was created and most of
the Ulema who were opposing it came to Pakistan. They launched the struggle for
Islamization. Ultimately
Objective Resolution was included as
preamble to the Constitution to ensure Islamic character to it, The
Ahmadiya community was
declared non Muslims in 1974. Mufti Taqi Usmani has done great work and efforts
to introduce
Islamic Banking and finance.
The religious militancy was introduced in 80's during Afghan
invasion by USSR and US-West-Saudi sponsored Jihad against the communist
rivals. The Iranian revolution and efforts to export it caused the sectarian
militant organizations to came in to existence. The non state actors gained
strength. In 90's these outfits changed their direction from west to
east. The post 911 era proved to be catastrophic when splinter
groups were created among these Jihadi groups and started to attack the state
of Pakistan and its institutions.
Ulema & Power Politics:
Political views and thinking is right of every citizen of state,
the Ulema are not an exception. The Ulema can be broadly grouped in to five
main categories:
1. Non Political Uema:
Many Ulema are not in favour of taking par tin active
power politics, they prefer to concentrate towards their main job i.e
guiding, teaching, preaching the religion entrusted by Quran (
3:104). They do have
political views but they maintain the decorum of the pulpit and only remain
committed to their primary job. There are Ulema from all groups/sects in this
Tablighi Jmaat which is closer to
Deoband School is doing good job in the this field of preaching, Islah
(correction, retrieval), it has been target of terrorists for its peacefulness.
Some radical elements may get in to their ranks for recruitment ant to promote
their heinous agenda.
2. Ulema from
Political Religious Organizations:
There are many Political Religious Organizations, which do not take
part in elections but work to promote their political agenda. Dr,Israr Ahmad (late) had made his
own "Tanzeme Islami". They consider the
use of pulpit as justified to promote their political views like establishment
of "Universal
Caliphate" and implementation of Shariah. They consider democracy and present
system as un Islamic. Hizb ut Tahreer is another
organization which claims peaceful means to achieve same objectives, mostly not
accepted hence banned in Pakistan. The radicalisation of its members or
inclusion of extremist elements cannot be ruled out. They may act as
recruitment base for extremist organizations and groups.
3. Ulema of Islamic Political Parties:
This includes the leaders and members of religious based political
parties, who take active part in power politics, elections and other dirty
political activities, deceit & intrigues. Obviously this is at done at the
cost of their primary responsibility entrusted through Quran (9:122). The
militant and extremist elements also join their ranks, they can be used to
deter their opponents and show some muscle.
4.Fundamentalists, Sectarian Militant Organizations:
This includes terrorist organization, Takfiri Taliban, (TTP) who are
involved in terrorist attacks, suicide bombing to kill innocent citizens in
mosques, schools, churches and other public places, also attack military
installations. They are also involved in other crimes like, bank robberies,
target killing, extortion and abduction for ransom. Army has launched
operation Zarb e Azb against them and
they are on the run.
5. Radical، Extremist Sectarian, Ulema:
The do not belong to any particular group or organization but have
tilt towards extremism. They are the sympathizers and helpers of extremists who
use the pulpit to pollute the minds of people to create sympathy and support.
They consider the present democratic system as tool of West and believe in
establishment of international Caliphate. They are directly or indirectly
propaganda tool of extremists. Although the "1973 Democratic Islamic
Constitution" was unanimously approved by all the prominent Ulema
representing all sects, groups and political parties , this is called
"Ijma"(اجماع) in Fiqh
terminology (consensus). If the political aspects are kept aside purely on
religious level i.e Shariah law the
"Ijma"(اجماع) is un
questionable. Prophet Muhammad
ﷺ said that: "My ummah will never
agree upon an error" (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (4:2167), ibn Majah
(2:1303), Abu Dawood, and others). Ijmā' is the third fundamental source
of Sharia law, just after the divine revelation of the Qur'an, and the
prophetic practice known as Sunnah.
The government did not took any notice, the terrorists have killed
over 60,000 innocent people. When they killed children at Army Public School
the nation was shocked. Pak Army under the dynamic leadership of General Raheel
Sharif launched operation Zarb e Azb. The Mullah sympathizers of
terrorists continue with their propaganda by just using twist of language.
One should ask them that by supporting the
Takfiri Terrorists what good service
are they rendering to the nation?
These people are much more dangerous than any other category
because they want to destabilize the country and society by creating anarchy (فساد) using
fascist tactics on the pretext of religious obligation. This is no service to
Islam, rather cause of destruction of peace. The situation at the Middle East
is proof, how these elements have destroyed the countries and peace. Although
the state has made strict laws to check the terrorists and their helpers but until the
people check them the will continue to misguide the people.
Those Muslims who really want to see progressing Pakistan and want
to spread Islam with the intention to make it a dominant religion of the world,
they must check the radical militant Ulema who are leading this society to self
destruction. The should advise them to concentrate towards their real
Quranic mission
(٩:١٢٢ التوبة).
The Ulema must ensure that in the Madaris (religious institutions) modern
sciences and modern thought should also be taught to the students to make them
relevant to the modern era.
The Political Ulema
have to correct their mindset that: only they could save the country from the
clutches of corrupt politicians!
The political ulema think that its their responsibility to
stop the evil and promote good, hence the must be part of ruling elite. however
they forget that the Islamic history proves that the Ulema refrained form
becoming par of ruling hierarchy. They even suffered persecution for refusing
to be part of ruling system. They guided the rulers independently while
remaining outside the folds of governance. Islam has no concept of priesthood,
the West progressed by getting out of folds of priesthood. The great Imams like
Abu Hanifah, Ahmad bin Hambil, Shafie, Malik set example to define the role of
ulema, they are highly respected due to their independent approach.
Islam is a "Not
a Religion but Deen" a system, which encompasses all spheres of life, the
politics cannot be separated hence the ulema should take part in politics.
In the Islamic history one can hardly find any religious scholar to
be a ruler as well, except the Rightly Guided Caliphs. However history if full
of God fearing pious Muslim rulers. It is correct that Islam provides guideline to
lead a successful life here and hereafter. The human life has many aspects and
fields i.e. Engineering, Medical, Social Sciences, Business, Physics, Chemistry
etc etc. Islamic does provide fundamentals principles of guidance and ethics
but there are experts who spend their life time in study and practice in
specialised fields. No religious scholar can become expert in those special
fields by just studying religious sciences. However if some religious scholar
also joins studies medical institution to become practicing doctor or vice
versa its possible. The ulema do not accept many medical doctors who studied
Islam as Ulema of Islam like Dr.Israr Ahmad or Dr.Zakir Naik. The ulema
can guide people to become good Muslims, hence consequently the society can get
good politicians, rulers, bureaucrats, doctors, engineers, scientists
etc. Hence the society will get reformed with the combination of good people in
every walk of life.
Prophet Muhammad
ﷺ advised against pollination of date palm
trees, the crop delivered low yield, he then asked the people to follow
their expertise in such fields for benefits in worldly non religious
matters. There are lessons for the people with common sense and
Revelation is clear on Sharia and matters of
"Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it; and whatever he forbids
you, abstain from it. Fear God; surely, God is severe in retribution."(Quran;59:7).
If some one likes to participate in politics, he can do
it without any restrictions but not under the garb of religion. They should not
beg for votes being an Alim Deen (religious scholar or
Mullah). Political field is open to all citizens no one can
monopolise on Islam, every Muslim is inheritor of
(35:32). It
is prohibited to use the religion or
holy scripture for petty gains
2:41). It is
unfair for a religious scholar asking to vote for him
being a religious obligation. Pakistan has over 95% Muslim population.
According to the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, laws have to
conform to Quran and Sunnah, non Muslim can not become prime minister or
president; Is there any justification for religious political parties? Are
other political parties are un Islamic? The Ulema should concentrate
towards their main job entrusted by Quran (9:122
, 3:104).
Two Theocratic Models:
After 1979 revolution Shia Theocracy was established in Iran,
thousands were killed, persecuted, war with Iraq provided blood to the
revolution. Presently Iran is deeply involved in sectarian war in Iraq, Syria,
Yemen and even Lebanon. The international economic sanctions isolated Iran,
crippled their economy, while poor people suffered. Present 'moderate'
leadership has reduced their miseries to some extent. The reformers are returning
despite resistance by theocratic ruling elite.
The Saudi monarchy is drawing its legitimacy and strength
with alliance with Ulema. This is marriage of convenience.
The ulema used Deen Islam as a shield to gain political advantage
but become target of sharp criticism, which affects their credibility and
respect. Consequently people stop paying attention to their religious sermons,
which is highly damaging.
religious based political parties failed to draw appropriate response,
though they forcefully used the religious card. They were able to
form governments in two provinces but were thrown out due to corruption
and incompetency in next elections. They failed to present acceptable model
Islamic governance. Implementation of Sharia remains their
repeated slogan.
They claim to resolve every issue
through implementation of Sharia, Taliban (Takfiri,
Khawarij) are involved in armed rebellion against state and
kill innocent people in terrorist attacks. They try to justify
these heinous
un-Islamic crimes against humanity through twisted
arguments form Quran and Hadith. They claim their rebellion against
state to be justified, which is not permitted by Islam. This disease of
terrorism has spread out form Afghanistan to FATA Pakistan Iraq, Syria, Iraq,
Libya, Nigeria and other African countries. The US and West not only
participated in this destruction but has been instrumental in providing fuel to
this fire. The heat is being felt now in Europe.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya have
been destabilized. Pakistan Army is restoring peace. Situation in Egypt
and Turkey is deteriorating, while Israel is busy in oppression
of Palestinians, trying to grant access to Jews in Al Aqsa mosque. The
hostile forces are taking full advantage of pathetic situation among the
No reputed Muslim scholar favours the terrorists
ideology and arguments, rather many have
issued Fatwas
(religious edicts) against terrorism. Even Deoband
Darul Aloom (Taliban follow them) and Saudi
Scholars have declared suicide bombing and terrorism as un-Islamic.
However it hardly has any effect on the terrorists because terrorists only
follow their own semi literate self declared Mullah with no scholarly
Many scholars, common Mullahs (Molvi, Imams,
prayer leaders) and citizens out of ignorance and hatred for the corrupt system
and bad governance are sympathetic towards terrorists. They are not aware
about Islamic response, if
the ruler is oppressor (Zalim, Fasiq) not rebellion and killing of
innocent people. It is great fallacy to use evil means for attainment of any
All those who are overtly or covertly sympathizing
and supporting the Terrorists are participation in the murder of hundreds and
thousands of innocent people, Allah says:
مَّن يَشْفَعْ
شَفَاعَةً حَسَنَةً يَكُن لَّهُ نَصِيبٌ مِّنْهَا ۖ وَمَن يَشْفَعْ شَفَاعَةً
سَيِّئَةً يَكُن لَّهُ كِفْلٌ مِّنْهَا ۗ وَكَانَ اللَّـهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ
rallies to a good cause shall have a share in its blessing; and whoever rallies
to an evil cause shall be answerable for his part in it: for, indeed, God
watches over everything"(Quran 4:85)
The terrorism has been introduced among Muslims under a well
thought out plan to use Muslims against Muslims (
Oded Yinon Plans &
Bernard Lewis Plan). The Muslims are
being destroyed, disintegrated while Israel and allies are celebrating.
وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا النَّفْسَ الَّتِي حَرَّمَ اللَّـهُ إِلَّا
بِالْحَقِّ You shall not kill any person - for GOD has made life sacred -
except in the course of justice
Regrettably responsible person like Syed Munawar Hasan, ex chief of
Jamati Islami called the killed terrorists as Shaheed (martyrs) while decline
to bestow this honour to actual defenders of people and state, the Pak Army.
The great philosopher poet Iqbal said:
دین کافر‘
فکر و تدبیر جہاد
مُلاّ‘ فی سبیل اللہ فساد
[The religion of non believer, thinking and struggling to implement
his thoughts, while the religion of Mullah (Muslim clergy) is to create Fisad
(turmoil) on the name of God.]
The ulema through their action should prove this couplet to be
wrong, so that the confidence of people could be restored. They avoid even
trusting the ulema for their rightful sermons.
Global Caliphate:
The Muslims have
indoctrinated to believe that through warfare and terrorism
a global Caliphate can be established to regain the glories of
past Muslim rule. This is erroneous mindset, which needs to be
changed to the realities of time. In the present era of
nationalism this is not feasible. The super power like USA with all its
military, economic and technology might had to leave Vietnam, Afghanistan and
Iraq. Earlier the USSR had to pack up from Afghanistan unceremoniously
and disintegrated later to exist as Russia.
After USA, West,
China is using the power of knowledge, economy, industrial power and
technological supremacy to dominate other nations. Through history it is
known that the Muslims maintained their powerful empires with the
superiority in thought, knowledge, military and technology. 21st century is the
era of knowledge, science and technology, if integrated with the
Islamic system of justice, morality, ethics and spirituality can meet
the spiritual and material needs of humanity.
هُوَ الَّذِي
أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَىٰ وَدِينِ الْحَقِّ لِيُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّينِ
كُلِّهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْمُشْرِكُونَ (9:33)
"It is He who
has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of Truth, so that He may
make it prevail [ideologically] over every other religion, however much the
polytheists may hate this"(Quran;9:33)
ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّ اللَّـهَ لَمْ يَكُ مُغَيِّرًا نِّعْمَةً أَنْعَمَهَا
عَلَىٰ قَوْمٍ حَتَّىٰ يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ ۙ وَأَنَّ اللَّـهَ سَمِيعٌ
عَلِيمٌ (الأنفال 8:53)
"God would
never withdraw a favour that He had conferred upon a people unless they change
what is in their hearts. God is all hearing and all-knowing."(8:53)
Muslims are prohibited to fight with non Muslims unless they fight
with you or expel them from their homes. Normal relations are advocated, they
are to be treated fairly with justice.
وَلَوْ شَاءَ اللَّـهُ لَجَعَلَكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَلَـٰكِن
لِّيَبْلُوَكُمْ فِي مَا آتَاكُمْ ۖ فَاسْتَبِقُوا الْخَيْرَاتِ ۚ إِلَى اللَّـهِ
مَرْجِعُكُمْ جَمِيعًا فَيُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمْ فِيهِ تَخْتَلِفُونَ(5:48 المائدة)
"... had God so
willed, He would have made you all a single community, but He did not so will,
in order that He might try you by what He has given you. Vie, then, with one
another in doing good works; to God you shall all return; then He will make
clear to you about what you have been disputing." (Quran;5:48)
Global Ideological Empire:
They should make it
their objective to establish international ideological empire, as there are
business & media empires.
For the world
domination they need to do following:
Elect good rulers, remove the bad rulers through peaceful means,
exert pressure for good governance. Muslim seek goodness in this world and hereafter
while the non believer is rewarded for his good works in this world. So good
life here is also objective of a Muslim.
The governments should be strengthened for stability and peace.
They should acquire modern knowledge, expertise in technology and fully
participate in development and progress.
Play their role as member of in the United Nations for peace and
prosperity of humanity and reject terrorism.
Remain peaceful with non Muslims
(9-60:7) and excel in
good works (
5:48). Muslim history has plenty of examples of multi religious,
multicultural coexistence. [Medina, Spain, Ottomans, Mughals]
Use of modern media to convey the message of Islam and to educate
and reform Muslims.
Power of Faith &
History proves that where Islam was spread with the power of faith
and preaching it stayed, but the conquered lands only keep
some monuments.
Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in population, no Muslim
invasion took place here including Malaysia, Brunei and other parts of Far
East. It was the power of preachers businessmen who inspired locals to convert
to Islam with their good moral conduct, humility and knowledge.
Islam reached China 1400 years ago, the Saad bin Abi Waqas, the
companion of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did not go there with army but just an expedition of peaceful
Africa has 33% share of world Muslim population. Except North, rest
of Africa received the businessmen and preachers to learn and accept Islam.
Spain was ruled by Muslims for 800 years but there is no trace
except buildings and monuments.
Presently despite hostile propaganda against Islam due to
terrorism, Islam is the
fastest growing religion in the world
including Europe and USA. Islam is spreading due to its ideological, spiritual
and intellectual superiority. The opponents having failed in ideological
front, in desperation have resorted to inciting and encouraging violence,
extremism and terrorism among Muslims to check the spread of Islam. The Ulema
and Muslims should not fall in to this trap, they must not unwittingly become
the tool in the hands of enemies of Islam & Muslims. They should continue
to practice and preach Islam peacefully. They should appear as the messengers
of peace through their acts and words.
Pakistan is an Islamic state, no law can be made against Quran and
Sunnah by the parliament. The federal Sharia court, Supreme Court are
protectors of constitution. The rulers are not found to be enthusiastic
in implementation of Sharia due to there selfish desires. The people like to
resolve their problems through the system based upon Islamic social, economic
justice, free of exploitation not mere change of name of law.
If government,
religious political parties and the people want to implement Shariah, what's
the problem?
The problem is that neither the people nor the leadership is
mentally prepared to implement Shria. The Quranic commandments for prohibition
of intoxicants were implemented gradually. Initially the society was reformed,
then prepared to accept the commandments. Same is the case about prohibition of
usury (Riba).
In 1827 Syed Ahmad Brelvi established an Islamic rule in Peshawar
area. He was mad Commander of the Faithful (Ameer ul Momineen). Sooner the
people killed the ulema thus the Islamic rule ended. In Sudan Akhwan ul
Muslimeen [Muslim Brotherhood] got an opportunity to form government with Jafar
al Numeri, but this experiment failed. Recently the tragic end of President
Morsy of [MB] in Egypt is regrettable. To form a government while keeping
political opponents engaged is difficult which is beyond the capabilities of
In Pakistan the religious political parties join the governments to
draw political and financial benefits, their corruption stories are wide
spread. In KPK Province [then NWFP] Mufti Mehmood (1970-71) established his
coalition government of MMA, later his son Molan Fazal ur Rehman and Jmat e
Islami ruled KPK and Balochistan for 5 years. Except women face painting in
billboards there was nothing noticeable in their rule which could be called
Islamic. The religious political parties could not launch any significant
project which could improve the life of common man or society. They were rejected
in next election and people choose ANP, with secular tilt, but ANP also proved
to be equally incompetent. General Zia ul Haq remained in power form 1977-1988,
he also used Islamic card, this was again a failure.
The young workers of religious parties note that during last 67
years their parties could not get a chance to form a government at the federal
level, in desperation they are attracted towards extremism and violence, which
is a negative trend.
Intolerance and
rigidity quickly develops among the religious people due to their conviction
that; "Only they are on the right path, and acting according to the Holy
Text and others are on evil path". This non flexible attitude isolates
them from the complex mainstream politics, full of intrigue, deceit and compromises.
They find themselves in a state of dilemma, if they continue with the religious
ethics and morality they are not likely to woe the voters tuned to false
promises and fancy claims, on the other hand if they also resort to the
conventional practices of politics, their religious credentials become
questionable, which is not damaging to their own self but for the society as
Credibility of Ulema:
If Ulema loose their credibility, then who will teach the religion
to the people? Even if only few Ulema are in politics their credentials effect
the whole community of Ulema.
النَّاسَ بِالْبِرِّ وَتَنسَوْنَ أَنفُسَكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ تَتْلُونَ الْكِتَابَ ۚ
أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ ﴿٤٤﴾
"Do you enjoin
righteousness upon others while you ignore your own selves, although you keep
reciting the Book? Have you then no sense?"(Quran;2:44)
People expect the religious people with religious appearance to be
honest, straightforward, trustworthy and role model for society. Let's again
remind the commandment of Allah:
"And it is not
possible for all the Muslims to set out (together). So, why should a party from
within every group (or tribe) not go forth in order that they may acquire
deeper knowledge (i.e., thorough understanding and insight) of the Din
(Religion), and warn their people when they return to them so that they may
guard themselves (against a life of sins and disobedience)?"(Quran;9:122)
The problems faced by Muslims today are not simple that by just
implementation of Sharia, they will get resolved. The laws exist but there is
lack of will to implement due to corruption and bad governance.
Does Sharia mean some laws and harsh
The Muslim society is governed by Sharia, some laws are to be
enforced by the Islamic state through legislations while the other part of
Sharia is applicable to the each individual [Muslim self
is to implemented voluntarily by him/herself. It is the job of Ulema to
prepare the Muslims through religious education and preaching, strengthen their
Faith (Ayman), belief in accountability in Hereafter so that they avoid
(7) grave
major sins and
become good peaceful citizens:
إِن تَجْتَنِبُوا كَبَائِرَ مَا تُنْهَوْنَ عَنْهُ نُكَفِّرْ عَنكُمْ
سَيِّئَاتِكُمْ وَنُدْخِلْكُم مُّدْخَلًا كَرِيمًا ﴿٣١﴾
"If you shun
the great sins you have been forbidden, We shall cancel out your minor misdeeds
and admit you to a place of honour". (Quran;4:31)
If in a Muslim society, the religious education is conducted
properly, it will make good citizens. Hence there will be good
politicians, good rulers, good businessmen, good doctors, good engineers, good
bureaucrats, good policemen, good people in every segment of society. Islam,
Sharia will get implemented at individual and collective level.
No Theocracy in Islam:
The history is witness that a political system run
by Ulema has never survived, Syed Ahmad Brailvi Shaheed, Akhwan in Sudan and
Egypt, in Pakistan Zia ul Haq, Mufti Mahmood, political alliance of Fazar ur
Rehman and Jamaat Islami are stories of failures of these people not Islam. The
Ulema abandoned their Quranic responsibility (9:122) to gain nothing but
disappointment. A loo at the life of Prophetﷺ reveals that he preached islam at Makkah
for 13 years, then he conquered Madina, not with force but through the
power of preaching. After violating the peace treaty of Hudabia,
Makka fell without shedding blood, general amnesty was declared.
Faith (Ayman):
The level of Faith (Ayman) was so high that the sinner of adultery
would themselves confess and ask for Sharia punishment, because the punishment
in this world is batter than the punishment in Hereafter. On his persistent
confession Propehtﷺ had to issue orders for punishment. A multi
religious, multicultural city state was established at Madina, unprecedented
1400 years ago.
There are over 95% Muslims in Pakistan but majority is Muslims as
far as confession of faith (kalima) is concerned, however they are ready to lay
down their lives for the cause of Islam (exploited by terrorists). Most are
totally ignorant about their religious, moral and social obligations and
practice. Till majority become true faithful (Momin), practicing Muslim, we
need such a system which is accommodative, with atmosphere of peace and
tolerance people can be invited to learn and practice Deen Islam to lay down
the foundations of solid Islamic society.
Faith (Ayman) is the most important factor. When people will have
strong faith in their hearts things will start improving. The system based upon
equitable justice, Islamic Sharia will be implemented at individual
and collective level. The implementers of system will be
people of strong faith not the corrupt.
There could be numerous good laws, but until there are faithful,
sincere people to implement it, the society cannot have peace and
Allah has bestowed this honour and responsibility upon ulema, its their sacred
responsibility to honour it by educating the people about Islam. Although many
ulema are trying their best to fulfill their obligations but the methodology
needs review due to lack of its effectiveness.
Niddwatul Ulema Lucknow (India) (the premier Islamic
education institution) appointed an Ulema committee in 1884 to revise
the syllabus of 'Darse Nizami' to include the response to the
modern philosophy by taking help of translations by English literate
Muslims. This would have been beneficial to the students of Islamic
studies. Even after over 100 years nothing happened. There is now even more
need to do much more to revised and modernize the syllabus at
Midaris. In the enthusiasm to revise, the cosmetics like use of
computers and English language would not suffice.
While Midaris syllabus is modernized there is strong need
to change the "Mindset". The classification of
"We" (religious people) and "They" (ordinary
Muslims) be eliminated. The graduates of Midaris should look like part of
society not aliens at least in the mental approach if not in physical outlook.
After end of their education they should be able to get absorbed in the society
apart from some taking up jobs at mosques.
The base of education should be strong enough that, if some one
like to continue education in some other field, after matriculation he should
be able to do so.
The medieval Madaris were integrated part of society and
produced great scholars in religious sciences and other fields like physics,
chemistry, mathematics, algebra, medicine, astronomy, agriculture,
philosophy etc. etc. They married with in the other segments of
society being part of it. There is need to do a lot in this field. There
is dearth of quality women Islamic scholars.
Who shall implement
Islamic system, Shariah?
terrorist groups like
(Taliban) or
similar banned terrorist organizations involved in massive
killings, terrorism and suicide bombing, supported by RAW, they
are nowhere near the basic concepts and spirit of Islam.
Corrupt politicians who gain power through allegedly rigged
elections and foreign guarantees?
Religious political figures with dubious credentials.
Peaceful Ulema, Imams, Khateebs who religiously educate the people,
lead prayers, deliver sermons, and perform rituals on birth, marriage and death?
Civil, military bureaucracy which is part of present
system and work under the government?
Well educated Westernized modern secular Muslims who consider
religion as private matter of individual, they don't have much know how of
Well educated Muslims who
have specialised in respective fields, they have some know
how of Deen, strong in faith, consider Islam as a way out to problems?
Oppressed ordinary people having high hopes form leaders who
use them to their own advantage?
Any one else left out?
A critical analysis of prevailing environment reveals that
practically no one group is in a position to fully
independently implement the Islamic system based upon Shariah. If
someone has knowledge, expertise and desire but lack legal and political power.
Those who have legal and political power they lack in political will.
Possible Solutions:
Pakistan is a an Islamic Republic with Islamic Constitution, a
political party which is against the constitution cannot exist, therefore
there is no justification for religious based political parties which gives
an impression as if others are un Islamic.
The religious Islamic political parties should
abandon electoral politics and form organizations or pressure groups to
struggle for reforming the corrupt system and implementation of true Islamic
Ulema should concentrate to educate the people on
Islam (Quran 9:122), its teachings, practices, ethics, morality, obligations
towards humanity (haqooq ul ibad), good behaviour to make them good Muslim
and earn pleasure of Allah in this world and hereafter.
It should be mandatory for the political parties
to include Ulema in their hierarchy for advice and consultation on religious
matters. Quota seats for Ulema can be introduced like technocrat and
women seats. Ulema be kept away form election politics to maintain their
respectable status.
Ulema should broaden their knowledge base to
include modern subjects of humanities and modern sciences. This should enable
them to educate and guide the people progressively.
The Midaris should send some brilliant students to
get higher education in other disciplines in regular
education institutions, so that they join bureaucracy,
private business enterprises, banking, medicine, engineering, police,
military etc. this will provide a balance in society. Similarly
Madaris should accept students from other institutions to reciprocate
similar effects.
People should be educated and guided to change
their behavior gradually from easy to difficult. With patience and tolerance
they should be made to strengthen their faith and start offering prayers
Women are 50% of population and responsible to
prepare the next generation, there should be special arrangement for them in
the mosques for prayers. The acute shortage of women Islamic scholars is to
Society be prepared to provide the rights to women
granted by Islam.
Mass awareness should be created in society
against; Ignorance and other cultural taboos like dowry, Vani, honour killing
and corruption etc to eradicate them.
Ulema should work for rehabilitation of radicalized
youth to become good peaceful Muslims.
Government should be pressurized to help the Muslims under
oppression and occupation according to international law. The Muslims ummah
should work to strengthen the OIC like EU.
Greater Jihad against self (nafs) be
Jihad Kabira (bigger Jihad), preaching with Quran (25:52) to
establish Islamic ideological empire using the modern communication tools.
Islam will prevail ideologically, if the modern weapons of knowledge and technology
are employed effectively. Weapons and military power can be employed for
destruction but not for wining the hearts and minds. Unfortunately one
such mass literacy and social welfare movement [Hizment (Service)]
launched by Turkish Imam and religious scholar Fathe Ullah Golan operating in
over 150 countries worldwide including Pakistan is being restrained due to
political rivalry with the present
Turkish rulers who were allies till 2013.They parted away when corruption cases
against top rulers were reported. Equating an education social reform movement with
terrorism is unfortunate.
Banking and economic system should be purged of
the menace of Riba (usury).Ulema educated in modern economic system should
suggest practical steps in this regards. They can encourage the people to
prefer Islamic banking.
Juma Sermon (Khutba)
should be used judiciously by carefully selecting relevant topics. This
opportunity with great potentials remains underutilized.
Extensive work is required to help to fulfill the
five obligations a Muslim owe to Quran i,e faith, read, understand, act and
Ulema and people keep a close watch on their
leaders to keep them on right track.
When society will reform gradually with persistent
efforts, there will be more good Muslims, good honest people, they will elect
good people to rule. Thus society will be reformed through silent Islamic
revolution in evolutionary process.
A possible set of solutions to the complex problems faced by
Muslims has been presented here. This should serve as a wake-up call to take the
situation seriously. This can be further improved with collective
إِنَّكَ لَا تَهْدِي مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ
وَلَـٰكِنَّ اللَّـهَ يَهْدِي مَن يَشَاءُ ۚ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِالْمُهْتَدِينَ ﴿٦﴾
"You cannot give guidance to whomsoever you wish, but Allah
gives guidance to whomsoever He wills, and He best knows the ones who are on the
right path."
(Quran;28:56) (see also
does not obligate anyone beyond his capacity. For him is what he has earned,
and on him what he has incurred. .Our Lord, do not hold us accountable, if we
forget or make a mistake, and, Our Lord, do not place on us such a burden as
You have placed on those before us, and, Our Lord, do not make us bear a burden
for which we have no strength. And pardon us, and grant us forgiveness, and
have mercy on us. You are our Lord. So then help us against the disbelieving
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